Tuesday, February 5, 2008

God is good

We just had a wonderful answer to prayer last night. We have been having real problems finding a babysitter since ours moved in November. We found someone, but she wasn't our first choice. Her house is quite a drive, and hard on BB to drive out and back 4x on MWF for Woogy's preschool. She smoked as well, but her rates were very reasonable, $1.50/hour. Cheapest babysitter ever, I think. But we still have been looking to replace her these 3 months, mostly because of the distance. We have had no luck. One lady seemed promising, but she cancelled our interview and never returned our calls?? Another lady was really close and we went and visited her house, we called her references, and when we went to call her to say we wanted her, she had already found some others kids before us. First come, first serve.

Since we started using this new sitter, she has needed alot of time off, mostly to go to court or go on job interviews. She is being forced to pay child-support for an older child no longer in her custody. We have been patient as she tells us she is looking for a graveyard shift job to satisfy the court but still watch her kids and our kids during the day. She finally told us yesterday, that as of this Thursday, she is most likely starting a full-time job and we needed to find another sitter, fast!!

Since we have been in the market these last 3 months, BB and I panicked yesterday. I had already took my lunch break so I only had 15 minutes to surf the web for a sitter before I went home yesterday. I found one number to call, I scratched it down and called on my cell on the way to pick up the kids. She seemed nice, 4 blocks from our house, so I said I would stop by in a few minutes. The kids really liked her place and the other kids there. I couldn't get Nibbles to leave. She is a very nice christian lady. She gave me some references but she warned me that several other people had contacted her too (I had told her how we had lost that one sitter by waiting too long!). So I rush home, make the phone calls, get all the calls back with excellent references. Now BB gets home and we decide if we can negotiate her to $600 a month instead of $675, we will hire her. We call her and after about 10 minutes negotiation, she agrees to our price and we have a sitter! Praise God!


f o r r e s t said...

Wow, child care is not cheap!

Achtung BB said...

I didn't think our last sitter was that bad. She really liked the kids. She only smoked outside (still not setting a great example). She was a step up from Sandy (our previous sitter). It's really hard to find a good quality sitter that you can afford. I hope this new sitter works out because I'm getting tired of moving the kids around.

GoldenSunrise said...

Wonderful! I hope the new sitter works out for you. She sounds great.

shakedust said...

It's great how that worked out. That sort of thing is very stressful.