Friday, November 2, 2007

Where is a babysitter when you need one?

We got a bomb dropped on us Wednesday night. Our sitter told us she is moving to California in two weeks. Now, she wasn't the best sitter we have ever had so I am not sure I will miss her, but BB and I will both miss her rates and her location. She was one block away and she was very affordable. And she is a christian who often asked us to keep her in our prayers. I often thought the Lord brought us into her house to help her out financially because a lot of her parents don't pay on time and she has had alot of financial problems. That's actually why she is moving, to get into a better position financially. They have family down there.

So, BB and I have been, quite frantically, looking for another sitter that we can afford. And we are not finding any that match our current sitter's rates. And we are finding most of those available are not close to us, so we would both have a much longer commute. We found someone almost as close to us as our current sitter, who BB went to meet yesterday. And except for her rates, she is perfect. We also went to visit another one yesterday who is about 20 minutes away from us, but she is not perfect for us. I am praying that God will open doors and give us clear direction in this matter.

And just last week in bible study, we were studying John and talking about God pruning us so we bear more fruit (John 15:2). One question asked when was the last time I felt pruned by God, and I had to admit it had been quite a while, maybe since we moved to Portland. So we all prayed as a group that God would allow us to bear much fruit in our lives and I am thinking, "How is God going to prune me to increase my faith?" He didn't wait very long, did He?


GoldenSunrise said...

Being pruned can be difficult but things usually end up better than you could ever imagine. I will pray for your sitter needs.

Achtung BB said...

Forgive my ignorance, but what does it mean to be "pruned"?

T said...

Finding a sitter that fit us was a big contributing factor to how I got started in child care. It's tough finding affordable quality care. I'll keep you in my prayers.

shakedust said...

I would have to look up that passage to get a better idea of what pruning is in context.

I am sure that is very frustrating. I hope you are able to find a good and inexpensive sitter.

T said...

How's the search? Did you find a sitter yet?

Portland wawa said...

Well, sort of. She's affordable, but pretty far from us. We had thought we had the perfect lady in the bag (the one who is a little expensive but a block away). We were checking references and then we called her to line things up and she filled the positions without consulting us!!!!

T said...

Wow, what a bummer. Sorry that happened.