Friday, December 21, 2007

Psycho Driver

I am so mad, I have to tell someone. I was driving to work at 6 am just now. The streets are deserted and dry so no reason not to go the speed limit of 30 mph. There was some guy (I know he was a guy because he got out of his car) in front of me going really slow so I got kind of close. He did one of those fast stops to see if I would hit him. The first time, I thought it was an accident, he was looking for a street and slowing and stopping. But after 2 more times, I realized I had a real jerk in front of me. He would go 100 ft and then stop fast then immediately repeat, like getting me to hit him would make his day. He wouldn't even pull over so I could pass at this point.

What makes me think he is a psycho is because I was staying back now, I had learned my lesson. We come to a green stoplight and he stops. I wait for about 5 seconds and try to pass on the right, he swerves over and almost hits me and then speeds through the light as it turns yellow. I was burning hot mad at this point. He gets out of his car and yells as I am stuck at the light and I am guessing, to look at my license plate. What could he possibly do to me with my license #? I didn't break any laws, if anything he did. What he did was vindictive and ethically wrong if you ask me. I am a little worried that I followed a psychotic guy too closely and now he has something that could lead him to me.


GoldenSunrise said...

It does sound like he was trying to get you to hit his car. Kinda scary.

Achtung BB said...

All the crazy drivers must be out in morning. Maybe he was drunk.

shakedust said...

Yeah, that would irritate me as well.