Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Chain mail

I was just reading T's reaction to dust's blog and I have to agree, chain email is really annoying. I get at least 4 a month from my step-mom. And I hate the warnings, that I have to forward this or else!! They are usually of a christian nature, but why would I want to forward it to my friends and annoy them?? I did recently forward this email from golden about sharing recipes, but I don't think it's the same thing.
I think it's been about 5 years since I started deleting those annoying emails, but how do I tell her to stop?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Psycho Driver

I am so mad, I have to tell someone. I was driving to work at 6 am just now. The streets are deserted and dry so no reason not to go the speed limit of 30 mph. There was some guy (I know he was a guy because he got out of his car) in front of me going really slow so I got kind of close. He did one of those fast stops to see if I would hit him. The first time, I thought it was an accident, he was looking for a street and slowing and stopping. But after 2 more times, I realized I had a real jerk in front of me. He would go 100 ft and then stop fast then immediately repeat, like getting me to hit him would make his day. He wouldn't even pull over so I could pass at this point.

What makes me think he is a psycho is because I was staying back now, I had learned my lesson. We come to a green stoplight and he stops. I wait for about 5 seconds and try to pass on the right, he swerves over and almost hits me and then speeds through the light as it turns yellow. I was burning hot mad at this point. He gets out of his car and yells as I am stuck at the light and I am guessing, to look at my license plate. What could he possibly do to me with my license #? I didn't break any laws, if anything he did. What he did was vindictive and ethically wrong if you ask me. I am a little worried that I followed a psychotic guy too closely and now he has something that could lead him to me.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Woogy is starting to have playdates with his friends from preschool. This is necessary because we don't have kids his age that live next door like we did in KC. For a while, a boy from our daycare was coming over twice a week, but he started kindergarten last fall. He was a bad influence anyway.

So yesterday, Woogy's friend N came over. All they did was play playstation though. I felt kind of bad. I kept trying to get them to do something else. When his mom showed up, I was kind of embarrassed. I don't want them to think I am a mom who lets her kids play playstation all of the time. I don't. Woogy only plays at bedtime with BB.

I just hope this doesn't start to "get around" so noone wants to come over to Woogy's to play anymore. Am I being paranoid??

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Be Cautious about Movies!!

I heard from someone at work that I would probably like the Golden Compass, considering the movies and books I like. From the previews, it looks like The Chronicles of Narnia or something similar. So BB went to see it last weekend with Woogy. When he came home, I was shocked by what he told me. We need to be more cautious about movies apparently.

A couple of days ago, I received an email from my dad about the movie and how christians should boycott it, or at least be aware of the dangers. They are marketing it as a sci-fi kids movie like Narnia so it appeals to alot of people, but it is as far from christian as you can get. BB agreed. Below is a little info from the email and a link to learn more about the author, Pullman, a known atheist.

"The movie The Golden Compass starring Nicole Kidman is coming to theaters December 7th. It is based on the trilogy of books by atheist, Phillip Pullman, of England and is geared towards kids. He wants kids to denounce God and Heaven but he does it in a very subtle way that parents may not pick up on what his true intentions are. He believes that after the children and parents see the movie, they will purchase his books and therefore will spread his hatred of religion and God.
In a 2003 interview, Pullman said, "My books are about killing God." Please don't go see this movie! We need to get the word out about this movie and make sure that no one supports it! The link below to Snopes gives more information about the movie."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bob's Red Mill

We visited Bob's Red Mill here in Portland on Saturday. I kept hearing about it from people because they have a large line of gluten-free flours and products so I decided to try it. It is a very charming store, like you would expect to see in a small town. It is a big red barn with a water wheel and every one was very friendly. There is a picture of the owner on the wall of their cafe that adds to the charm .

Not only did I pick up lots of gluten-free flours for my holiday baking, but we had lunch there. I kind of forced BB because I wanted to taste their gluten-free soups and sandwiches. It was quite delicious. I had to buy their wonderful gluten-free bread mix after that. BB thinks it tastes like crap, but he hasn't tasted the other options out there either!!

We will definitely be back, for the food, atmosphere, and the charm.