Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My hubby the polar bear

It has occurred to me lately that if I am an animal, I would probably be an ant or a bee. (Deborah means "Busy Bee" in Hebrew) I work hard, keep to the task, like warm weather, have little sense of humor. But if BB was an animal, I would make him a polar bear. He is like those bears at the zoo who just swim around and play, enjoy life and love the cold.

There have been alot of things in my life lately that have reminded me of how blessed I am to have my husband. Actually, Dust's blog about words our spouse use was one event that got me thinking. BB uses words in a whole new context that most people would find bizarre. But I would miss it if he didn't come home and call the dog, "the animal", say he has to play "legos star wars heehee" with Woogy, call Nibbles "Nipplious Nipplin". To an outsider, our homelife would seem a little bizarre, but I can't imagine it any other way. He helps me to appreciate the day to day routine.

I think about how I balance the checkbook, do the taxes, pay the bills, organize and plan our vacations and weekend getaways. I am so organized and scientific and BB is so totally not. He is laid back, he actually has a sense of humor, he hates all the taxes and bill stuff, and he is perfect for me because we are so polar opposite. Without the bees in life, all of the flowers would die. Without the polar bears, I am sure some ecological disaster would occur because of too many seals, blah, blah, but they are sure fun to watch at the zoo. And my kids would grow up too serious, like me. I love you BB!


shakedust said...

So BB is your polar opposite bear?

It is good to be able to compensate for each other in areas that are not your cup of tea. In our house Golden does the bills more than me and lets me tell most of the jokes.

Oh, by the way, if you are wanting to keep spammers from commenting on your blog, you will probably have to turn on word verification. You can do this by going to "Settings" on your blog, clicking on the "Comments" link, and selecting yes for "Show word verification for comments?" You will need to click "Save Settings" for the change to take.

Achtung BB said...

I haven't had the problems of spammers on my blog, but you definately do. That's a virus you have there so I would delete it.
I've always wanted to be a polar bear, although I do not identify myself with that animal. I've never thought of myself as "laid back" either, but thank you for the blog. I love you too.

GoldenSunrise said...

I like your comparison of you and BB. That was a nice, sweet post.

roamingwriter said...

Cute comparisons. It's always good to remember the positives. I don't think either of us likes doing bills etc but somehow I ended up doing most of it. Dar took on the quarterly reports so there's one financial thing I don't have to do. I'm really glad about that.