Thursday, March 20, 2008

The price for this day

With the recent passing of our friend's baby, I've been thinking alot of our own mortality. It doesn't help that the anniversary of my mom's death is coming up in April. I can't help thinking that we are blessed for each and everyday that God allows us to continue living on this earth. I found this poem in my mom's things after she died and I read it at her funeral. It was fitting.
A New Day
This is the beginning of a new day
I have been given this day to use as I will
I can waste it or use it for good
What I do today is important because
I'm exchanging a day of my life for it
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever
Leaving in its' place whatever I have traded for it
I pledge to myself that I shall be
Gain not loss; Good not evil; Success not failure
In order that I shall not regret the price I paid for this day
Author unknown
May the Lord bless your path and make it joyous, bright, and free of obstacles as you travel on this path we call life. Don't forget the price you paid for this day.


Achtung BB said...

I think you have showed me that before. It's lovely.

T said...

I really like that.

shakedust said...

Makes you appreciate the time you do have. Thanks for sharing it.

GoldenSunrise said...

I like the poem. It is good to be reminded that every day counts.