It has been so long since I blogged that I had to write about something. I did get to see this movie over memorial day weekend. That is huge because I never get to go to movies, ever! But I had to choose Indy or Prince Caspian. I choose Indy. I always loved these movies growing up. I was a huge Star Wars fan so anything with Harrision Ford was a must see as a young girl. I had been warned though, that this movie was very different. My sister had told me not to waste my time with it, she regretted even going. But I decided to go anyway. And the theatre was so packed, people were standing in the back. I only know this because Woogy had to go to the bathroom.
I liked it. It was different, it was unusual, and it was daring for Indiana Jones. BB was not that impressed with it though, he kept going "Indiana Jones and Aliens?" Yes, there are aliens. BB thought this was too far-fetched for an Indy movie, but it reminded me a little of Last Crusade, where the german Nazi scientist loses herself trying to get the grail. There is a similar situation with a Russian scientist trying to find the crystal skull.
Most of the movie, in my opinion, followed the "Indy formula". It had the basic beginning where Indy is in big trouble. Then he gets out, finds a new artifact to find amidst great danger, lots of chase scenes and fights, then the bad guys catch up in the end. The only bizarre thing was the aliens and of course, reuniting with Marion from Raiders. I really thought it was pretty good though.